The Cooperative Society of Social Initiative Kairós, which aims education and insertion, appears in the Autonomous Region of Aragon with the intention of applying projects of assistance to people. The entity was created from the professional experience of the partners in the field of social education in the development of social projects. Those projects come from various fields: work with minors, intellectual and physical disabilities, inclusion, employment and new technologies.
Kairós is a social economy company, especially protected from the Public Administration since it represents an adequate method of fostering the employment from its own workers and that maintains the democratic principles, participative and of cooperation that promotes the community improvement. We are a non-profit social initiative cooperative that keeps the philosophical principles of the entities of the third sector together with the most competent management of a social economy company. Kairós is currently made up by more than 70 professionals, 30 volunteers and attends more than 2,000 people in their projects.
We develop programs in several areas of action:
Area of Disability and Dependency:
– Autonomy flats: Residential program for people with intellectual disabilities, where besides from offering a stable residence it also struggles to achieve maximum autonomy of the hosts.
– Occupational Center “Kairós”, it is a social service for the integral development of people with intellectual disabilities in order to achieve, within the possibilities of each one, overcoming the obstacles for the labor and social integration.
– Kentrikés Special Employment Center, where productive work is carried out through the recruitment of people with disabilities.
– Kambalache Free Time Center: It works on the social insertion of people with disabilities through free or spare time.
Training Area
– Training for employment. We offer and develop accredited training in professional certificates.
– Training for professionals. We carry out many training and ongoing training courses for professionals.
– Adult Education: We offer adult education classrooms in key competencies: FIPA and Level 2
– Inclusion and Employment Area: Employment insertion programs aimed at training and accompanying the itineraries of insertion of people with difficulties in accessing the employment field.
– Integrated Service of Social and Labor Insertion: This is the area in which we work with people in situations of social exclusion and special difficulties of insertion, by carrying out employment, social, training, housing, etc. actions.
– Social housing rental program: In collaboration with the General Directorate of Housing of the Government of Aragon, housing boards are managed for the access to social rentals of family units with great difficulties, some of them who come from evictions.
Children, Youth and Family area:
– Project of integration of school spaces (PIEE) whose purpose is to coordinate the cultural and leisure activities in the public schools of special education. – Caixa ProInfancia Program: We are coordinators of the Arrabal and Actur program in Zaragoza. We carry out actions of school support to children
and young people suffering difficulties, free time, speech therapy, psychomotricity, psychological therapy, etc.
– Program of prevention of situations of risk and mistreatment of children in collaboration with the Council of the City of Zaragoza.
Since 2006, Kairós has maintains all its activities under the quality system ISO 9001 and SGE21 of social responsibility. In addition, it maintains its service offer UNE 93200: 2008 and develops a sustainability report audited according to the GRI criteria. It is currently immersed in the implementation of the EFQM system of business excellence.