The GIP-FCIP of Créteil is the 1st Educational regional district in France. It represents 600 professional development paths, 20 000 adult trainees in around 180 schools per year. Its main purposes are the Implementation and development of cooperation at territorial level in the following areas ; and Adult Vocational Training and -Education and Professional – Insertion. The GIP-FCIP acts as an authority and administrative support structure for the GRETA network on its territory
The GRETA network for the” académie de Creteil” comprises 6 GRETAS on 3 territorial departments (Seine St Denis (93),Val de Marne (94) and Seine et Marne (77). A GRETA is a network of public schools dedicated to VET adult education. There are over 137 GRETAS all over the French Territory (over 4750 training sites).
Each territorial department has 2 GRETAS
GMTI’s (Greta des Métiers et des Techniques Industrielles)are focused on the industrial sector and GMTE’s (Greta des Métiers et des Techniques Economiques) are focused on tertiary activities
This globally represents over 180 training sites and over 450 training programs across sectors such as : Industry, Sales, IT and Multimedia, Social and Sanitary, Logisitics, Transportation, Tourism, Languages …
Programs prepare trainees for National Diplomas, Titles and Certifications. We cover levels 3 to 6 (European scale)
The GIP-FCIP is organized around 4 main activities and departments :
– Continued Education for Adults and Vocational Education through the GRETA Network, Professional Education (Apprenticeship, Vocational Training, Technical High Schools) – Validation of Acquisition through Experience
– Skills Assessment
– European Structural and Investment Funds department
A few key figures for Creteil (year 2018-2019) :
31 M euros turnover
4 M + training hours
Creteil has been the leading educational “académie” in VET for many years and the GIP FCIP has the ISO 9001 quality label.